Any New Mexican who has not had their head buried in a plate of enchiladas for the past year is aware of the difficulties facing the Obama administration. At the top of everyone’s list is, the economy, national security, and terrorism. Chances are that truck safety is not on anyone’s top 20 list. However, based on a recent meeting of the American Trucking Association, Truckload Carriers Association, commercial vehicle safety alliance, National Private Truck Council, and the Owner-Operator Independent drivers Association, changes in a semi truck industry may be coming to Washington and therefore New Mexico.At the meeting, and expected to be addressed in Washington, our issues relating to truck size, devices to limit the speed; are able to travel, improvements to truck driver resting areas, driver training, and truck loading and unloading procedures. Although these topics are not likely to place your family in awe at the dinner table, they do have the ability to drastically reduce New Mexico truck driving accidents Changes in Washington could have a substantial role on implementing procedures that would greatly reduce accidents.
Even from a New Mexico semi truck lawyer’s perspective, there are more pressing things facing the Obama administration however, it is certainly worth keeping an eye on how Washington addresses these issues.