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Fatal Bernalillo Sheriff Deputy Accident

Posted in Auto Accidents

A freak semi truck accident recently claimed the life of a Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy. The accident occurred when one vehicle apparently negligently pulled out of a gas station causing a semi truck to take evasive action. In doing so, the semi truck collided with the Bernalillo Sheriff Deputy’s unmarked car.

According to initial reports, the fatal car accident involving the deputy was caused by a German national in town for a local conference. This wrongful death accident not only claimed the valued life of a New Mexico law enforcement member, but was triggered by a simple lapse in attention.

One unique issue is whether, in an accident such as this, New Mexico law would apply to a wrongful death suit. As with any Albuquerque wrongful death case there may be recovery available to the family of the victim, however, in this situation, the litigation may take a complex path through New Mexico law, truck accident law, and even German law.

For the time being, the New Mexico law enforcement community is left grieving the loss of one of its respected brothers.

