What Not to Do
Wait to hire a New Mexico truck accident lawyer
Especially true in New Mexico semi truck accident cases, waiting to hire, or at least speak with a truck accident attorney can be very harmful. Immediately following a semi-truck accident there is valuable information that must be protected. This information includes data stored on the semi-truck’s onboard computers (similar to a “black box”), personnel files including information on the driver involved, evidence found at the scene, eyewitness testimony, and copies of various transportation inspections. Despite being seriously injured, the failure of a truck accident victim to act quickly may allow the semi trucking company to destroy crucial information.
Wait to get treatment
Sometimes people injured in semi truck accidents hold off on receiving treatment until they hear from the semi-truck company. Taking this approach may allow for the semi trucking company to later make a claim that the semi truck accident caused no serious injuries since so much time went by before there was any medical treatment. For this reason, it is wise to seek medical attention immediately if you believe it is necessary. If you have questions you can always contact an semi truck accident attorney.
Talk to the insurance company
While some insurance companies may truly have your interests in mind, many approach semi-truck accident cases asking, “What is the least amount of money we have to pay to make this case go away?” Buy talking to the insurance company you may be helping them more than yourself.
Hire an attorney without asking the important questions
Semi truck accident attorneys should always be prepared to take a case to trial. This means not only extra work but extra resources. Some truck companies may try to work semi truck accident lawyer to the ground. In selecting a New Mexico semi truck accident attorney, it is wise to explore his or her resources, experience, and track record. If you suspect the attorney is not sure about how to handle a truck accident case, and the first steps involved, it is probably a bad sign.